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Gør Outdoor Alaskan Experience mere tilgængelig for alle.

Alt hvad du behøver til det perfekte paddlesportseventyr!

Den bedste kano-, kajak- og SUP-udlejningsservice i Nancy Lake State Park i Willow, Alaska

Vælg dit Aeventyr!

  1. Choose your desired adventure.

  2. If staying in a Public Use Cabin, make reservations on the state website first.

  3. Click the "Reserve Now" button for your chosen adventure.

  4. Follow the prompts to reserve your fishing gear, canoes, kayaks, etc.

  5. Check your email for waivers and have everyone in your group sign them.

  6. On the adventure day, meet us at the paddle shack in South Rolly Campground to pick up your equipment.

  7. Have a blast and enjoy your adventure!

Tjek disse nyttige links til at planlægge dit eventyr.

Tjek Nancy Lake-brochuren udgivet af staten Alaska. Den har et nyttigt kort til planlægning af din annonceventure. Klik her!

Nancy Lake State Park har flere hytter til rådighed. Tjek deres side for at reservere.Klik her​!

Glem ikke dit fisketegn. Besøg Alaska Department of Fish and Games hjemmeside.Klik her!

Du skal altid medbringe et kort. Her er et link til et kort over Nancy Lake State Park.Klik her!

Her er envideo på South Rolly Lake, fiskeri og camping.Klik her!

Slut dig til fiskeribiologerne Parker Bradley og Cody Jacobson til en fantastisk præsentation om geddefiskeri i Southcentral Alaska.Klik her!

Contains a link to the ADF&G to get a fishing license.
Nancy Lake park brochure link.
get your State parks pass link.
Map link.
Link to watch a video on the Lynx Lake Canoe Trail.
a link to a pike fishing video.
a link to a video on South Rolly Campground.
a link to windandweather
A link to get your park pass.
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